Chip capacitors

Chip capacitors and its dielectric material

The stability and capacity accuracy of chip capacitors correspond to the dielectric materials they use, and they are mainly divided into three categories: 1. It is a high-frequency capacitor with COG/NPO as the Class I medium. Its temperature coefficient is ±30ppm/℃, and its capacitance is very stable. It hardly changes with temperature, voltage and time. It [...]

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The structure and function of Chip capacitors

Chip capacitors is a kind of capacitor material. The full name of chip capacitors is: multilayer (laminated, stacked) chip ceramic capacitors, also known as chip capacitors and chip capacitors. Structure of chip capacitor The structure of the chip capacitor mainly includes three parts: ceramic dielectric, metal inner electrode, metal outer electrode. The multilayer chip ceramic capacitor is a [...]

2020-06-20T07:49:43+00:00Categories: FAQ|Tags: |Comments Off on The structure and function of Chip capacitors


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