May 2020The first small holiday in May 2020 is the first small holiday after the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. The various consumer demands that are suspended due to the epidemic are gradually being released. When everyone enjoys it, what happens at home and abroad?

1.Long March 5B rocket made its first successful flight
At 18:00 on May 2020,5 the Long March 5B carrier rocket developed by the Chinese Manned Space Station Project, carrying a new generation of manned spaceship test ship and a flexible inflatable cargo return module test module, was ignited at the Wenchang Space Launch Site in China After about 488 seconds, the load combination and the rocket successfully separated and entered the predetermined orbit. The first flight mission was a complete success, and the first flight of the space station phase mission was successful, which kicked off the “third step” mission of the Chinese manned space project. .


2.Boao Forum for Asia decided not to hold annual meeting in 2020
Due to the current spread of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic worldwide, human health and health are facing severe challenges, and the world economy has been severely impacted. To support and cooperate with the international community ’s anti-epidemic measures and to protect the health and safety of participants, the Boao Forum for Asia Council has carefully determined and decided Annual meetings will not be held in 2020.

3.Expo 2020 Dubai delayed until October 2021
On May 2020,4 local time, the International Exhibition Bureau said that the 2020 Dubai Expo will be postponed to October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. At present, the motion has won two thirds of the votes of the Expo Bureau.


4.14-day quarantine between Chinese and Korean business personnel
It is reported that China and South Korea formally opened the “fast track” to facilitate the exchange of important business, logistics, production, technical services and other urgently needed personnel. Previously, the South Korean government required that all immigrants, regardless of nationality, be subject to 14 days of quarantine observation after entry. However, in accordance with the new regulations, in the future, when Chinese businessmen visit South Korea for important business purposes, they only need to submit a negative certificate of the new coronavirus test within three days before going abroad to the South Korean embassy or consulate to apply for exemption from quarantine.

5.eBay publishes first quarter earnings report for 2020

Excluding certain one-time items, eBay’s net profit from continuing operations in the first quarter reached US $ 586 million, a year-on-year decrease of 1%; diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were US $ 0.77, an increase of 19% year-on-year.

6.Italy will gradually unblock the country from May 2020,4

According to the latest data released by the Italian Civil Protection Department, as of 18:00, May 2020,3 local time, Italy has added 1,389 new cases of coronary artery pneumonia, 24 new deaths, and 1,740 new cures within 24 hours.

From May 2020,4 local time, Italy will begin to lift the country’s “closing city” status, and gradually resume production in phases on the premise of strictly abiding by the epidemic prevention and hygiene regulations, and enter the second phase of fighting against the epidemic and resuming economic activities.


7.USTR extends the exemption period for some products in the first batch of 301 tariffs
The USTR issued a notice saying that it would extend the exemption period for the eight HTS numbers in the first batch of 301 tariffs. The exemption period was originally scheduled to end on April 18.

The exemption period for the 13 HTS numbered products that are not in the scope of this notice but are on the original exemption list will end on that date. By then, the tariff rate for such goods imported from China will return to 25%.


8.Note that shipping these countries, over 19 countries are entering Ramadan
The countries currently announced to enter Ramadan are:
Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Somalia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Israel, Morocco, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Oman, etc.